Some testimonies of sisters taking courses or having a child registered with
« Baytouna Madrassa »
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I would like to bring my testimony in chaa allah because my children were able to follow the Moroccan school program provided on the site of our sister Oum Jounayd may ALLAH ta’aala preserve her.
Alhamdulillah I am fully satisfied because I was able to find a structure through which my children were able to advance walhamdulillah while respecting our principles Allahoumma baarik and this is a significant thing.
In addition, the teachers are really Allahoumma baarik pedagogues and do not hesitate to give advice to improve walhamdulillah.
And one thing that I must note is that there has very rarely been an absence on the part of the teachers and if this is the case, the course is caught up walhamdulillah and it is really top Allahoumma baarik.
And last but not least, the responsible sister is very responsive to answer our questions and find solutions that suit everyone. May ALLAH ta’aala preserve her and her family as well as the teachers and all the people who are attached to the school.
Alhamdulillah I can only encourage you to try and register your children in chaa allah because sincerely serious online structures that provide the full school program in Arabic it does not run the streets walhamdulillah
May ALLAH ta’aala preserve this school from all evil and all envy and make it evolve.
Full school program students
A salam aleykoum .
The school year is coming to an end al hamdulillah… A soothing school year al hamdulillah.
Learning religious sciences and the Arabic language has always been a great stress for me because I could not find a regular and complete follow-up for my children for the coming year.
I was looking for a routine for them and me in this area and I found it at Baytouna Madrassa.
The teachers of my children Allahum barik are benevolent, serious, and pedagogues.
I am completely satisfied al hamdu li lah. May Allah preserve the institute and the teachers.
As proof, it’s been a while since I told oum jounayd to keep their places for me for next year in cha Allah.
Children’s opinions :
8 years old : the lessons are going well and my muerlima is nice, I like working with her and I want to continue next year in cha Allah
6 years old : I think classes are so good, I like to take classes during the week, and I miss the weekend because I like it a lot, and my muerlim is nice and I like to take classes every day with him.
Full school program students
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
For my part, my daughter has been studying at Baytouna for almost two years elhamdouli Llah Allahumma barak, first in individual lessons then since September she has been following the Moroccan ief program elhamdouli Llah Allahumma barak we are very satisfied with it.
Competent teachers, a director who listens.
My daughter is delighted, we are already thinking of repeating the biidni Llah experience next year but this time for all our children incha Allah.
May Allah ta3ala facilitate the education of our children.
I dreamed of seeing my children study in Arabic but the opportunity never presented itself… this dream, with Baytouna Madrassa, has come true!
I feared the lack of a « school at home » framework but these fears, with Baytouna Madrassa, have dissipated.
My children were not fully prepared (by prior immersion) but, with Baytouna Madrassa, their level quickly recovered !
The children are adaptable soubhanallah and, with Baytouna Madrassa, they benefit from a quality Arabic curriculum and a framework
seriously… Nothing better to be stimulated and progress quickly !
In short, the Baytouna Madrassa is an ideal solution not to be missed !
Salemo 3aleykoum.
I enrolled my daughter in Baytounna Madrassa and I am very satisfied mashaAllah, I saw real progress, before I felt like my daughter had a problem understanding and I was apprehensive about this school year, I was apprehensive will the online school succeed in getting used to it or not, and frankly elhamdolilleh it’s going very well, she understands her lessons, the teachers are available and attentive, there is a real follow-up, from the teachers but also from the management ALLAHumabarik, to do it again I will do it again I really recommend machaAllah.
Student full school program
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
For my part, my daughter has been studying at Baytouna for almost two years elhamdouli Llah Allahumma barak, first in individual lessons then since September she has been following the Moroccan ief program elhamdouli Llah Allahumma barak we are very satisfied with it.
Competent teachers, a director who listens.
My daughter is delighted, we are already thinking of repeating the biidni Llah experience next year but this time for all our children incha Allah.
May Allah ta3ala facilitate the education of our children.
Student full school program