Quran programs
Failing Quran lessons in Hafs ( حفص عن عاصم ), warch ( ورش ) and qaaloun ( فالون )
Egyptian female teachers holding or in the process of obtaining an ijaaza
Lots of experience with both children and adults
Individual, pair or group lessons with the choice of the following formulas :
- Reading with correction
- Reading with correction and revisions
- Reading with correction, learning (hifz) and revisions
- Study of the rules of Tajweed alone with practice

Before the start of the course, the student will be assessed and then directed to the appropriate level
Learning levels |
Rules of Tajweed taught |
Level 1 (8 lessons) | النون الساكنة والتنوين (noun saakina and tanwin)
الميم الساكنة (mim saakina) النون والميم المشددتين (noun and mim with chedda) |
Level 2 (8 lessons) | مراجعة المستوى الأول (revision of level 1 rules)
اللامات الساكنة (the different « lam ») |
Level 3 (8 lessons) | مراجعة المستوى الثاني (revision of level 2 rules)
المدود (extensions) |
Level 4 | مخارج الحروف (letter output)
مراجعة على كل ما سبق (revision) |
Level 5 (12 lessons) | صفات الحروف (letter characteristics :
التي ضد لها – that have a contrary التي لا ضد لها – which have no contrary) |
Level 6 (8 lessons) | التفخيم والترقيق (emphatic and non emphatic letters)
علاقات الحروف (linking letters together) |
Level 7 (8 lessons) | الوقف على أواخر الكلم (stopping at the end of words)
همزة الوصل والقطع (hamza al wasl and al qat ‘) |
Level 8 (8 lessons) | هاء الكناية أو هاء الضمير
التقاء الساكنين الحذف والاثبات الوقف والابتداء |
Level 9 (15 lessons) | المقطوع والموصول
التاءات |
- For students who have completed learning the Qoran in full, possibility of passing the Ijaza in hafs (حفص)
- Evaluation by a qualified teacher with a very high isnaad

- Explanation and learning of the poem Tohfa Alatfal, gathering the rules of Tajwid
- Teacher holding an ijaaza in this matn
- Explanation and learning of the poem Al Jazaryah, bringing together the rules of tajweed
- Teacher holding an ijaaza in this matn
Choice by level of learning
Girls classes
Boys classes
Boys accepted up to and including age 10 at the end of the school year
Possibility of teaching boys classes by women
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