Rules of procedure of the institute BAYTOUNA MADRASSA

Group classes or individual lessons / full school year



The opening hours of the administration are Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Moroccan time). The staff will be able to answer you during these hours.


  • Executive management                                                                                                                                                                   Mrs Amindjian
  • Accounting / Administration / Registrations / Parent-teacher relations  for Arabic and English speakers               Mrs Messaoudi
  • Administration / Registrations / Parent-teacher relations  for French and Morocco Speakers                                     Mrs Idrissi
  • Supervision of classes and teaching staff / Pedagogical manager                                                                                       Mrs Mohammed
  • Supervision of the teaching staff and pedagogical manager (scientific subjects)                                                                 Mrs Tahiri



The telephone numbers of the staff will be communicated to you during the final registration.

We inform you that the installation of WhatsApp is necessary to be able to follow the courses in our institute, we use it for the communication but also for the follow-up of the groups.

For communication, non-Arabic speakers can use French/English translators if the teacher does not understand French. The administration will assist you in case of major communication problems.



We offer year-round classes from the middle section of kindergarten to the final year with Moroccan and Saudi programs, the other programs can be taught in individual lessons.


Group classes :

  • Opening of classes subject to minimum numbers.
  • Class of 3 to 5 pupils for kindergarten and primary.
  • Classes of 4 to 7 students for college and high school.
  • Qualified and experienced teachers
  • All subjects are taught in literary Arabic except foreign languages ​​(French-English).
  • Curriculum materials provided in PDF format.
  • Education certificates not issued but possibility of registering for exams as a free candidate for Morocco, for example (at your expense).
  • Courses given from September to June: 35 weeks of lessons + 7 weeks of holidays, the school calendar will be sent to you before the start of the course.
  • Classes given mainly in the morning. We will send you the schedules in August.


The prerequisites for joining the classes:

  • Nursery middle section: no prerequisites, just knowing how to hold a pencil.
  • Large nursery section: knowledge of the Arabic alphabet, autonomy, and mastery of graphic gestures.
  • 1st primary: know how to read, write and have a minimum of oral comprehension and expression.
  • For other classes: have studied the previous levels or equivalent.
  • A level test will take place after pre-registration, starting in June.


            Steps to follow:

  • Compulsory pre-registration, which you have just completed.
  • Then we will contact you to review your expectations and objectives.
  • Payment of pre-registration fees to reserve your place.
  • Levels tests from June.
  • Awaiting confirmation of the opening of the class, end of June.
  • End of additional class openings at the end of July.
  • End of registration: August 31 if places remain in open classes.
  • Upgrades in July and August if necessary (surcharge)
  • For annual tuition but in individual lessons, you will be put on a waiting list and confirmation of registration will be done in August.



  • Compulsory annual commitment.
  • Pre-registration:

   New students:        80€ for 1      120€ for 2      150€ for 3

             Former students:   50€ for 1      80€ for 2        100€ for 3

Registration fees are non-refundable unless cancellation of the opening of the class, they include administration fees and level tests.


  • Definitive registration upon payment of a deposit of €100/student before July 15th.
  • Payment
  1. Tuition fees (pre-registration)
  2. Deposit €100/student (definitive registration)
  3. Annual tuition fees (deposit of €100 deducted) with the possibility of easy payment in 10 installments from September to June


In the event of stopping during the year, the annual tuition fees will remain due, you will therefore have to pay the rest of the payments for the school year, no refund will be made.

  • For any payment (PayPal, bank transfer or other), the surname and first name of the student must be stipulated during the payment in the message or title part.
  • All transaction costs are the responsibility of the student, we are not responsible for any problem regarding payments, misuse of the PayPal site or otherwise.



  • The courses are supervised by our institute at the academic, pedagogical, and organizational level.
  • Parents are responsible for their children in terms of punctuality, behavior, supervision of homework and follow-up.
  • All courses will be taught in literary Arabic except French, English and those who have chosen scientific subjects in French for middle school and high school.


  • For the kindergarten and 1st primary classes, the teachers are also French-speaking and can possibly translate a minimum if necessary. These levels are transition classes towards an all-Arabic education.
  • For non-Arabic-speaking parents, it is essential that they invest in learning the Arabic language for themselves but also to be able to supervise the Arabic education of their children.
  • It is mandatory for the student to fulfill all the homework given by the teacher. These must be photographed and sent to the teacher on WhatsApp in private, no later than the day before the next lesson.
  • For children who are not autonomous in front of a computer (for the use of the computer tool but also if the child is too restless), the presence of the mother is compulsory throughout the course.
  • For autonomous children, we still ask a parent to be present at the start of each lesson to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment.
  • No male or adolescent (pubescent) should enter the teachers’ classroom. It is also forbidden for a man to speak to the teachers, even if the mother cannot communicate properly with one of them. You will then have to go back to the supervision in the event of a problem.
  • No person, except the student, his mother or his representative can attend a lesson without the authorization of the management.
  • In case of absence of the student who is part of a group, you must inform the teacher beforehand, the student can ask the teacher to obtain the recording of the course lack.
  • In case of absence of the student in individual lesson, you will have to inform the teacher beforehand, the student cannot request the recording of the missed lesson, since he is alone, he will be able to possibly catch up their absences during the holidays provided that this is possible for the teacher.
  • In the event of the teacher’s absence, the lesson will be made up for in the slots reserved for this purpose in the class schedule without being able to refuse. If the hours have not been made up during the school year, they will be at the end of it.
  • All lesson recordings are strictly confidential and should therefore not be transmitted to anyone other than the student. Once used, this record must be obligatorily erased.
  • All the supports of our institute (courses, explanations, homework, exams or other) are specific to our institute. It is therefore strictly forbidden to use them outside the framework of our courses or to transmit them to anyone.
  • It is possible that during the year there will be a change in timetables due to the changes to winter and summer time in certain countries.
  • Any comments regarding the operation and organization of the courses should be made only to the supervision or administration.



  • We use the ZOOM platform. This platform can be used on computer, tablet and phone, the computer. The telephone is not recommended. Students must create a free account in their name on this site


                  Steps to follow:

  • Select the “package and pricing” section then choose the “free” option.
  • Register with the same email address as the one mentioned in the registration form.
  • Once the account has been created, add the email address of the teacher(s) (provided after registration) in the “contact” section of your Zoom account.
  • To join a meeting, click on “join a meeting” and write the number assigned to each teacher. or join the meeting from the class link.
  • Then click on “join the audio by computer” if computer or “call via the sound of the device” if tablet and telephone.
  • The operation of the program will be explained to you by the administration before the start of the course, if necessary.



  • The child must be installed in good conditions (in a closed, bright room with no surrounding disturbances as well as on a desk).
  • Make sure that your child has all his equipment before starting his lesson (books, notebooks, pens, etc.) and that he has gone to the toilet beforehand.
  • Classes can be given on computers or tablets; the tablet must be used with a support so that it is stable and to prevent the student from putting it on his knees.
  • To be able to participate in the lessons correctly you must have a Broadband Internet connection. Connection sharing is not recommended (risk of cuts).


Each student or person responsible for the child must ensure that the equipment is in good working order before each lesson by carrying out the following actions:

  • Check that the microphone and headset are properly connected and in good working order.
  • Close programs unrelated to the course as well as devices connected to Wi-Fi (risk of interference).
  • The children must all turn on their camera, this allows the teacher to see if the student is paying attention in class.



  • This group is obligatory, it will include the teachers, head of education and management.

It allows us to send:

  • Books
  • Class numbers
  • Administrative information
  • The daily follow-up (by stipulating the delays, absences, homework done or not)
  • This group is used as a textbook, homework is posted there.
  • The course summaries to be copied later in the notebooks.
  • Appreciations or remarks are sent privately by the teachers at the end of each week, if more serious problems should arise, the administration will contact you directly in private.
  • If you have any comments to make concerning the organization or otherwise, you must inform the head of classes or the administration.
  • Homework must be done in notebooks, photographed, then sent privately to teachers.
  • Pour des questions de facilité nous vous conseillons de télécharger WhatsApp sur votre ordinateur. Si des documents ou livres sont envoyés dans le groupe WhatsApp, vous pourrez directement les télécharger depuis l’application de l’ordinateur et les enregistrer dessus.


                   Facility :

  • Search engine from your computer (install WhatsApp for computer).
  • Follow the installation procedures.
  • From the phone WhatsApp you must click on the three small dots at the top right.
  • Then select WhatsApp web.
  • Then scan with the WhatsApp application of the phone the QR code, which is on your computer screen, the data will be transmitted automatically.
  • Please make sure the phone’s Wi-Fi is connected.



  • The student participating in the courses of our institute undertakes to adopt an appropriate behavior and in accordance with Islamic morality, in the event of absence you will have to send a message to the teacher in order to prevent her.
  • Most teachers don’t turn on their camera, they use a red cursor to follow their directions.
  • Contact between students (as well as their families or their representatives) and teachers is strictly prohibited outside the framework of our institute. If necessary, the administration must first be informed.
  • Teachers’ personal contact information is confidential. It is therefore strictly forbidden to communicate them to anyone.
  • It is also strictly forbidden to solicit a teacher outside the framework of our institute, for the student herself or in favor of a third party. This rule is valid during the student’s course in our institute as well as after leaving it.



  • For the kindergarten and 1st primary GS classes, the notation will be in the form of assessments and skills acquisition (reading, writing, comprehension, expression, grammar rules and conjugation).
  • For the higher levels, the marks will be taken into account, for those who preferred appreciations to the marks it will be necessary to inform us before.
  • You will have access to the report card from the drive.
  • Every month or after each unit there will be a control carried out in class, the marks will be added to the bulletin. The marks of the first semester will be cumulated and we will average them, which will give a mark, there will be a big exam at the end of the first semester which will count as a second mark, then we will average the 2, which will give the general average of the first semester. Then the same thing for the 2nd semester.



This regulation is a very important document that contributes to the proper functioning of our institute and improves the quality of relations between all users of Baytouna Madrassa: teachers, students, parents, members of the administration and management.

The mention « read and approved » constitutes a commitment and a deposit.


 » قال رسول الله ﷺ  » المُسْلِمُونَ عَلَى شُرُوطِهِمْ « 

« Muslims are on their terms. »



General Management of The Baytouna Madrassa Institute